The Audio Theory – S01E03 | Introduction to Open Source Technology and Communities
In today’s episode, we have discussed open source technology. Most of you will be familiar with the Android devices. A technology which has changed the course of the market and how people interact with the surroundings. This Andoird OS has been possible only because of open source contributions. In a similar manner, browsers like Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome are also a product of open source technologies and contributions. So plug-in your headphones and let’s start the show.
An update regarding the Episode 2 | Episode 2 के बारे में जानकारी
This episode is an update regarding our second episode which was about 3D Technology and why have we not published it yet?
The Audio Theory – S01E01 | How IT Industry is changing the course of Indian Retail Market
In this episode, we had a conversation with Mr. Vimal Rai – CEO of While discussing India Retail Market, we tried to understand the problem a normal Indian retailer face on a daily basis and how technology can help them to automate the process and streamline multiple tasks.
The Audio Theory – S01E00 | Introduction
The Audio Theory is our first attempt to help you as a business owner, entrepreneur, college graduate and investor about current market trends. We will talk about the market trends, future technologies, investment, finance, sales, and marketing.